Information to participants

Registration to IIS2023 is closed.


 Who should attend IIS2023

Most attendees will be graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early career faculty and research staff working in fields relevant to the ITER program. Although the agenda will focus on topics related to the impact of energetic particles on fusion plasmas, attendees are not required to be working in this field.

IIS2023 welcomes attendants from all nationalities, whether representing an ITER member or not. Attendees from countries outside of the Schengen Area are responsible for obtaining their own visa (an invitation letter is available to attendants upon request). Please be aware that obtaining a visa can be a time-consuming process and we urge you to start the process immediately. See the bottom of this page from more information.

Note that IIS2023 will be held exclusively in person. No remote participation will be allowed.

 How to register

Due the limited capacity of the IIS2023, all attendees are asked to pre-register. The registration steps differ for regular attendees and invited lecturers.


                                    DEADLINE FOR PREREGISTRATION AND ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: MARCH 31st 2023

                                    ACCEPTANCE OF REGISTRATION: APRIL 15th 2023


  • Regular attendees
  1. Registration and Abstract Submission for Posters: You are asked to register using the Registration form and select Regular attendee. If you wish to attend the ITER visit, please provide the required information for access to the ITER site. After registration, please send a brief CV and letter of motivation* explaining why you wish to attend the IIS2023 and how it will be of value to you to If you want to present a poster, please also send an abstract of your poster alongside with your CV and motivation letter.
  2. Payment: After your registration is accepted, you will be asked to pay the registration fee through the unique link which will be sent to you by mail. No on-site payment will be possible.
  • Invited lecturers

Please register using the Registration form and select Invited lecturer as attendee category. If you wish to attend the ITER visit, please provide the required information for accessing the ITER site. No payment is needed.

Please note that access to the ITER site is strictly regulated.  A valid original passport is required to access the ITER site. Access will be refused in the case a valid passport is not presented. People are asked to send a copy of their passport in advance by mail.

* The motivation letter should not exceed one page.

COVID-19 restrictions

Attendants are asked to follow basic health and hygiene practices, like handwashing, social distancing,...

Currently, there are no entry restrictions to France related to COVID-19.  No tests or COVID vaccination certificates are required to enter France. However, please note that depending on which country you enter the Schengen area from, entry restrictions may differ.

As restrictions can suddenly change depending on the situation, please refer to France Diplomacy website for the latest information.

 Financial support from IAEA

IAEA logoThe IAEA has kindly provided a grant which allow us to provide financial assistance to a small number of students. This assistance will only be available to students who are citizens* of the countries included by the IAEA Department of Technical Cooperation with preference given to participants who are expected to make an important contribution to the school.  Such assistance will be normally limited to one participant per country.

*We have been advised that only nationality is counted here, not the student's affiliation.

 About visa

France is part of the Schengen Area, therefore no visa is required for participants from within the Schengen Area. A visa might be required for participants from outside the Schengen Area. For information about entry requirements, please refer to France-Visas or to your local French embassy.

Please note that IIS2023 is unable to provide any support related to visa, beyond providing an invitation letter.

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